It’s easy to procrastinate on scheduling an eye exam, especially if your vision seems fine. Getting regular eye exams is about more than your vision, though. An eye exam is a key part of your overall healthcare! When was the last time you got an eye exam?  

We’ll share the top five reasons to schedule an eye exam today!  

1. Prevent damage from serious eye diseases    

The first reason to get regular eye exams is to prevent damage from eye disease. Some sight-threatening eye diseases have little to no symptoms in the early stages, and the only way to know you have them is by getting an eye exam.  Glaucoma is a disease that often has no obvious symptoms in the early stages. It is called the “sneak thief of sight” for this reason because many people in the early stages don’t realize they have it. Diabetic eye disease can cause vision loss in diabetics, and there may be mild or no symptoms in the early stages.

Macular degeneration is another serious eye disease without symptoms in the early stages and progresses gradually. By the time you notice vision loss, the disease is in an advanced stage, and there currently is no cure for it.    

The best way to prevent vision loss from serious eye disease is to get regular eye exams. During these eye exams, your eye doctor will check your eyes for early signs of these diseases and recommend treatment if they find any issues.

2. Eye exams can detect underlying health issues    

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol, can affect the blood vessels in your retina, the light-sensitive layer in the back of your eye. When your eye doctor examines your retina, they can spot early signs of these health issues. In fact, eye doctors are often the first to identify signs of these conditions!

3. You may have digital eye strain    

The average American worker spends seven hours a day on a computer either in the office or while working from home.  If this describes you, you may be dealing with digital eye strain.  

The high visual demands of looking at screens of various sizes throughout the day can cause headaches, blurred vision, neck and shoulder pain, eye strain, and dry eyes. Symptoms can be worsened by improper viewing distance from the computer, poor lighting, and uncorrected vision problems.    

Getting an eye exam will diagnose any vision problem and you may also need eyeglasses with special lenses to alleviate digital eye strain.    

4. Your vision may be changing    

It may seem like your vision is fine, but your brain accommodates vision changes without you even fully realizing it. Small changes in your vision can affect how you feel every day while driving, working, and engaging in other activities. Seeing your best is an essential part of living a high-quality life!   

5. You need an updated prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses 

If you currently wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, you need regular eye exams to assess your vision and get an updated prescription. As mentioned, your vision can change frequently. Even if you feel your vision is fine, you may be surprised to learn during an eye exam that it can be better with a change in the prescription!    

Schedule an eye exam at Clarin Eye Care Center or Coral Gables Eye Care 

The doctors at Clarin Eye Care Center and Coral Gables Eye Care have the expertise and the latest technology to provide high-quality eye health and vision care. Make your health and vision a priority and schedule an eye exam today!